OpenPlant Orthographics Manager Help

To Generate Output Drawings

Before you can generate any output drawings, you must first have created views to be placed on the drawings. Click Here for information on how to create the views.
  1. Select the Drawing Generation icon from the options panel.
  2. Select which types of output files you want to generate from the following options listed at the top of the page:
    • Hidden Line Drawings
    • Dimension/Annotation Drawings
  3. In the Input (View Arrangement Data) Files section, select the VAD files you wish to generate output drawings from.
    Note: There are selection icons to the right of the list allowing you to (Select All VAD Files, Deselect all VAD files, or Invert Selection)
  4. (Optional): Enable the Do not add border file option if you do not want the border file to be included.
  5. (Optional): Enable the Clear intermediate files option if you wish the ancillary files which are created while generating the output files.
    Note: In the event you may need to regenerate the output files, keeping these files will help to speed up the generation process.
  6. Once your input selections have been made, click the Generate Drawings button.
    Note: The drawing types are processed and listed in the Output Files section at the bottom of the interface.
  7. To view the output drawings, double click on a drawing in the Output Files section to open.